8 Things You Can do Right Now to Have a Healthy Pregnancy | Dubai Health Coach and Doula
/I know the thought of planning a pregnancy during these turbulent times we are living (aka COVID-19) may seem a bit far fetched to some people, but did you know that almost 50% of pregnancies in the US are unplanned? I don’t know the statistic for the UAE, but let’s assume it’s close. Life goes on, virus or no virus, if a baby is meant to be born into this world, they will be, and so, it is super important to stay on top of your health as an expectant mom. Our health as mothers affects our babies long before they are born, and the internal environment they will be conceived in can help protect them from many things like eczema, autoimmune diseases, depression, gut problems, allergies, autism.. the list goes on and on. The healthy choices we make today will impact them for a lifetime.
With that said, I wanted to sit down and write a list of things moms can do today to up their health and give their babies the best start in life!
Pay your dentist that long over-due visit
Did you know that oral health is directly linked to gut health? Don’t believe me? Well, what about if I told you that oral health is also linked to more serious outcomes in relation to COVID-19? Do I have your attention now? :) This article here examines the relationship between maternal oral health and pregnancy outcomes (spoiler alert: preterm birth, preeclampsia, risk of developing early and severe dental caries in babies) additionally, Dr. Victoria Sampson has also recently published an interesting article that looks at the relationship between oral hygiene and the severity of COVID-19 infections.
Take your multi-vitamins
By now, we all know that expectant moms need to up their folic acid intake. Folic acid is a B-vitamin that is important for protecting a baby’s health against neural tube defects, but it also protects against miscarriage, preterm birth, high blood pressure, and preeclampsia in pregnancy, and can prevent autism in your baby. Another important vitamin to take is Vitamin D, a pro-hormone that is responsible for so many functions in the body that include, but are not limited to, bone health, obesity, depression, reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. It is recommended to take 400 mcg to 1 mg of Folic Acid in it’s active form, called methylfolate, and 1000-2000IU of Vitamin D (depending on your baseline )
Avoid high mercury seafood
While we do know that fish is an excellent source of nutritious protein, it can also be loaded in dangerous levels of mercury. This doesn’t mean you should avoid fish completely, just choose wisely. Mercury affects neurologic and hormonal systems, and can, unfortunately, reach the baby throughout a mom’s pregnancy causing lasting impact on a baby. The Environmental Working Group has an excellent list of the types of fish that you should avoid during your pregnancy.
Eat organic
I know, it’s super expensive, but you and your baby are worth it. If you can’t eat 100% organic, then at least stick to eating organic when it comes to the Dirty Dozen. Non-organic produce is loaded with pesticides that can be downloaded to the baby and can alter IQ levels. The Environmental Working Group also lists the Clean 15, which have lower levels of pesticides and which you don’t necessarily have to buy organic.
Get to your optimal weight
Entering a pregnancy while overweight has been noted to increase chances of developing prenatal and birth complications, and may increase the risk of c-section. Not only that, but babies run the risk of allergies, asthma, and obesity in childhood, diabetes and heart disease later in life.
Did you know that it is estimated that at least 80% of all health problems are caused by stress? Isn’t that crazy? Stress causes a host of problems in the body, from messing with hormones, to causing fertility problems, even having an effect on blood sugar and insulin levels. Stress in pregnancy, specifically, can lead to depression and anxiety. I know it’s not realistic to avoid stress at all, but finding a way to get stress levels under control with healing tools like meditation, counseling, exercise and yoga can have a lasting impact on your health. Pick your healthy tool to de-stress and don’t be afraid to use it.
Make sure your gut health is in tip top condition
Remember that link between oral health and gut health we talked about above? Well, gut health, in general, is the key to optimal health in humans. 70% of our immunity sits in our gut, so that’s where it’s important for you as a mom, but this is also where it can be important for your baby. Mom’s gut health is inherited by her baby, and a child’s gut flora is basically determined by age 3, all thanks to mom. What are things you can do to work on your gut health? Avoiding antibiotics for starters (unless absolutely necessary), taking a good quality probiotic and eating a wide variety of food like leafy greens and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kombucha.
Ditch the toxic cosmetics
I know we all love our makeup, I personally can’t leave the house without a bit of concealer, bronzer and mascara, and while I know it is expensive to purge everything and start all over, you can slowly replace items one by one as they finish and replace them with clean cosmetic options. The Environmental Working Group is your best resource for information on clean cosmetic companies. Skin is the largest organ in the body, and what you put ON your body will end up IN your body, and sadly, all the famous cosmetic brands are loaded with chemical compounds like lead and mercury, to name a few.
Whether you’re planning to get pregnant, are already pregnant, or trying NOT to get pregnant :) I wish you the best of luck. Remember, pregnancy can happen at any time, so why not be in your most optimal health going in?
If you are interested in learning more about how to have the healthiest pregnancy you can ever have, sign up to my newsletter, or follow along on Instagram! I will be sharing lots of tips and things you can do, eat and prepare to make sure you and your baby have the best start in life possible.