What you need to know about Water Birth in Dubai | Dubai Birth Photography

Water is totally my element. I love being in or near the water, and when I found out Al Zahra hospital offers a water birth option a few years ago, I KNEW I will definitely be considering Al Zahra just for that! Water birth is also being offered at other hospitals in the UAE, however, keep in mind that you may be allowed to labor in the water, but not deliver in it. Al Zahra allows for both. Check with your hospital for their exact regulations.

As a birth photographer, I had the honor of covering several water births, and I always come out with a little baby fever right after each one of them. Who knows, maybe my next birth will finally push me over the edge :) click the image below to read the article!



What exactly IS birth photography?

I get this question a lot. The conversation usually goes something along the lines of the person asking what I do for a living and me saying, I photograph births. Cue the awkward silence, interlaced with a bit of shock…

Person - “What do you mean you shoot births for a living?”
Me - “it means I photograph a mother’s labor and delivery story”
Person - “you mean, like a mom giving birth?!!!?”
Me - “yes, that’s a part of it. I document the story of baby’s arrival and first moments on earth”
Person - “wait a minute, so you take pictures of (THAT)?!”

Every. Time.

So, I thought I would write up a little blog post to clarify what exactly is birth photography, what makes it so special, and also the big question.. whether “THAT” is the star of the show :)

Birth photography is a new and growing art form. I’m happy to say I’ve been documenting labor and delivery stories for the past two years here in the UAE, and falling in love with birth more and more every day! Birth photography is documentary in nature, meaning that the people being photographed are not posing, nor acting in special ways for the camera. Most of the time, they are completely unaware of the images or videos being snapped. 

Birth photography is definitely NOT just about capturing the moment the baby is born. That moment is a highlight of the day, sure, but there are many important moments that happen along the way that lead to that momentous event. A good birth photographer will be able to convey in pictures (and in my case, videos) what the day felt and looked like, through a series of well composed images. As a relative “outsider” to the event, a birth photographer has the advantage of being the fly on the wall, watching, absorbing, and digesting events happening around her, and translating these events into beautiful photography. The beauty of this? A laboring mom usually doesn’t have TIME to appreciate everything happening around her, can’t see how beautifully she labored, how proud her husband is of everything she is working to achieve. And a birth photographer is the answer to all of that :) For five more compelling reasons on why you should consider a birth photographer, read my blog post here!

Now, one of the biggest things I get asked about is whether any images of a “graphic nature” are recorded during the birth. A quick search for birth photography images on google will show you a wide array of possibilities, some images highly graphic, while others completely artistic. Birth is graphic in it’s nature. It’s expected. The choice for whether the moment the baby is born is captured in it’s full propensity is totally up to the laboring mom.  If she would like that kind of coverage, then she will get it, otherwise, my default is to document that moment in the most conservative way - a way that highlights exactly what is happening without the need for being completely graphic. 

I hope this has helped clarify in some way what birth photography is or isn't. I'd be more than happy to chat with you more if you have any questions! Feel free to contact me on info@lanaphotographs.com with your questions or booking requests or click here to send me a message!


5 Reasons to hire a Birth Photographer | Dubai Birth Photography

I think back to the story of the birth of my first baby, and I know that it was a pivotal moment in my life: not only was I becoming a mother for the very first time, but it was the moment I put my foot on the path that has brought me to where I am today. I always knew I wanted a photographer to cover my labor. Sadly, I wasn’t able to find a Dubai birth photographer that would be able to provide this service for me. This is why I decided to start doing this myself. I'm happy to say that I've covered over ten births already in different hospitals in the UAE, and counting! 

 If you are considering whether you should hire a birth photographer, look no further. Here are my five main reasons why the answer to this question is a resounding YES:

1. It is their story, too! 
A lot of times during pregnancy,  and leading up to birth, we focus on mom and baby. We forget that pregnancy and birth are both journeys that affect EVERYONE in the family. The birth of a new baby is the birth of a new mother, father, siblings, grandparents... Don’t forget that this is their story too, how lovely would it be if they all get to be in the pictures too?

2. Major life event
The birth of your child is one of the most eventful, and life changing, days of your life. We always hire photographers to cover birthdays and weddings. How is the birth of a child any different? If anything, it is probably even more special than a wedding. Your baby is the product of your love for your spouse. You will only get ONE chance to birth this very baby, why not make sure you have someone there to document this special time for you?

3. You will forget what took place around you. 
At some point, you will inevitably end up in labor La la land. It is a period of intense focus and concentration, where it is just you, your breathing and your baby, working tirelessly to make it to the finish line. This is where a lot of lines get blurred and mothers tend to forget, and are not aware of, what is happening in the room. By hiring a birth photographer, you will not only see what it was like in the room, you will also get to experience it in the same way other members of your family were probably experiencing it as well.

4. Visual gift to your children
Birth photography is a wonderful visual gift to give your children. Don’t just tell your kids the story of their birth, show them what it looked like, what you looked like, what everyone in the room looked like. From the small details, to the big emotional moments. It is a wonderful way to preserve the memory forever.

5. One chance
There is only one shot to capturing the moment you first become a parent, the moment your spouse becomes a parent! Hiring a birth photographer ensures you have professional images that capture all the important moments and emotions. The biggest feedback I get when I speak to many of my clients about birth photography, is how they just WISH they had someone in the room to capture these fleeting moments if they could ever go back in time. 


Sometimes we don’t know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Birth photography is a new, but growing, art form, and I am very happy to be able to provide this service in Dubai. Get in touch with me today, so we can talk about the best options for you and your family!
